Category: Nonfiction
5 Self-Publishing Myths Debunked
“Self-published authors aren’t real authors.” “You can self-publish or traditionally publish—but not both.” “You can only make money through traditional publishing.” “Books produced by traditional publishers are better quality.” “Self-published books don’t need to be edited.” Let’s take a look at these self-publishing myths and discuss why they’re just that—myths!
Self-Editing Your Book
Are you considering editing your own manuscript? While this can save you some money, it’s really not recommended. Let’s look at a few reasons why authors cannot adequately edit their own books.
Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing
There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether you should self-publish or traditionally publish your book. The publishing process looks different for every author and for each book. Let’s explore the two main types of publishing and their pros and cons.
Effective Storytelling in a Nonfiction Business Book
Effective storytelling can turn your book into an engaging and impactful narrative that resonates with readers. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of storytelling and tips for balancing narrative and information in your nonfiction business book.
What Are Front and Back Matter in a Book?
As you finish up your manuscript and move closer to the editing and publishing stages, it’s important that you understand the other parts of a book aside from the main text. These parts, like the dedication, table of contents, and “about the author” section, play a role in enhancing the professionalism and usefulness of your…